ज़य जयति भारत भारती !

The "kavi - sammelan" / "poetry recital" @ the Indian Counsulate/ Bharatiya Dootawas , last Fri /( 9th Feb. )
went off very well --
I was invited as the Mukhya Atithi / chief Guest ! Yes !!
I was overwhelmed by this kind gesture by Dr JayRamanji who is the Chancellor of Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan NY shakha !
Just before the Kavi Sammelan began, Smt. Ambalika Mishraji took me aside & taped a short Radio Interview on the poem i wished to recite
Ambalika ji had met my Papa, @ Jammu as a young girl & worked for AIR ( btw the name Aakashwani, Hawa Mahal, Manjusha, Man Chahe Geet , Gajra, Bandan -vaar are all given to the various programmes of Vividh Bharti by Papa ji the poet par excellance - Pandit Narendra Sharma in his younger days ) & Ambalika ji now works for UN - Hindi News Services & also for a NY Radio show.
I met lotss of very prominent people --
like Dr Swadesh Ranaji, who recited a beautiful Urdu gazal of hers, Dr Anjana Sandheer who sings like a professional singer & has learnt classical music from Banne Nawab Khaan saab ?
( i think ...but will ask the name once again to her, next time we chat ) , She teaches Hindi @ the prestigeous IVY league Columbia Uni no less !!
My My !!
Poetess ( who teaches HINDI @ YALE ) Shree Seema Khurana a pretty Lady with a sweet smile & equally sweet voice read her 2/3 poems
-- Rajni & Anoop Bhargava ji both excellent Hindi poets , kindly hosted us ( Me & Deepak ) & spoke
modern , meaningful poems --
Dr.Bindeshwari Aggarwal ji also teaches Hindi @ NYU
-- & many many others --
They gave me Geeta Gyaneshwari's translation from Marathi to Hindi by --
Dr.Shreemati Urmila Jaamdar
( I'm looking forward to reading that )
this book was a gift handed to me in front of 3 TV channel cameras by the Counsuel General for Education , a sweet & shy young lady named Reenat Sidhdhu !
I was the 4 th poet invited n recited a Ganesh shloka in sanskrit - -
" वक्रतुँड महाकाय सूर्यकोटि समप्रभ
निर्विघ्नँ कुरु मे देव शुभ कार्येषु सर्वदा "
" then i recited a short " Bharat Rastra vandana "
--- which was liked by all -- the words are so pure & awe inspiring -- listen : ~~
ज़य जयति भारत भारती ,
ज़य जयति भारत भारती !
अकलँक श्वेत सरोज पर वह ज्योति देह विराजती !
ज़य जयति भारत भारती,
ज़य जयति भारत भारती !
नभनील वीणा स्वरमयी
I met lotss of very prominent people --
like Dr Swadesh Ranaji, who recited a beautiful Urdu gazal of hers, Dr Anjana Sandheer who sings like a professional singer & has learnt classical music from Banne Nawab Khaan saab ?
( i think ...but will ask the name once again to her, next time we chat ) , She teaches Hindi @ the prestigeous IVY league Columbia Uni no less !!
My My !!
Poetess ( who teaches HINDI @ YALE ) Shree Seema Khurana a pretty Lady with a sweet smile & equally sweet voice read her 2/3 poems
-- Rajni & Anoop Bhargava ji both excellent Hindi poets , kindly hosted us ( Me & Deepak ) & spoke
modern , meaningful poems --
Dr.Bindeshwari Aggarwal ji also teaches Hindi @ NYU
-- & many many others --
They gave me Geeta Gyaneshwari's translation from Marathi to Hindi by --
Dr.Shreemati Urmila Jaamdar
( I'm looking forward to reading that )
this book was a gift handed to me in front of 3 TV channel cameras by the Counsuel General for Education , a sweet & shy young lady named Reenat Sidhdhu !
I was the 4 th poet invited n recited a Ganesh shloka in sanskrit - -
" वक्रतुँड महाकाय सूर्यकोटि समप्रभ
निर्विघ्नँ कुरु मे देव शुभ कार्येषु सर्वदा "
" then i recited a short " Bharat Rastra vandana "
--- which was liked by all -- the words are so pure & awe inspiring -- listen : ~~
ज़य जयति भारत भारती ,
ज़य जयति भारत भारती !
अकलँक श्वेत सरोज पर वह ज्योति देह विराजती !
ज़य जयति भारत भारती,
ज़य जयति भारत भारती !
नभनील वीणा स्वरमयी
रविचँद्र दो ज्योतिर्कलश
है गूँज गँगा ज्ञानकी
है गूँज गँगा ज्ञानकी
अनुगूँज मेँ शाश्वत सुयश
हर बार हर झँकार मेँ
हर बार हर झँकार मेँ
आलोक नव्य निखारती !
ज़य जयति भारत भारती !
ज़य जयति भारत भारती !
हो देश की भू उर्वरा,
ज़य जयति भारत भारती !
ज़य जयति भारत भारती !
हो देश की भू उर्वरा,
हर शब्द ज्योतिर्कण बनेँ,
वरदान दो माँ भारती ,
वरदान दो माँ भारती ,
जो अग्नि भी चँदन बने !
शत नयन दीपक बाल,
शत नयन दीपक बाल,
भारत भूमि करती आरती!
ज़य जयति भारत भारती
ज़य जयति भारत भारती !
रचियता: स्व.पँडित नरेन्द्र शर्मा प्रेषक: लावण्या
( here is the link )
then I recited a Hindi poem of mine:
ज़य जयति भारत भारती
ज़य जयति भारत भारती !
रचियता: स्व.पँडित नरेन्द्र शर्मा प्रेषक: लावण्या
( here is the link )
then I recited a Hindi poem of mine:
( written on: April.10.1989 )
" Mera Bharat pyara "
" Mera Bharat pyara "
" हम भारतीय जन मन मेँ
कहीँ गँगा छिपी हुई है !
-आत्मा मेँ श्री राम हैँ
श्रीमुख पे सीता माँ की छाँव है !
है बाजुओँ मेँ श्री, लक्ष्मण
नयनोँ मेँ श्याम -कृष्ण हैँ
अधरोँ पे श्री राधिका है
कानोँ मेँ शिव -स्वर्ण हैँ !
माटी की है फिर भी काया,
चँदन सा सुगँधित काष्ठ है
बहती है श्वास बनकर,
मलयानील सुरभी- सी !
रात्रि मेँ थका हुआ लहू ही,
बन जाता है यमुना जल,
दीर्घ बन कर के शिराएँ
बस जाती ये घाटीयाँ !
हैँ उच्च आकाँक्षाएँ ,
हिमगिरि सी विध्यमान,
बने विँध्याचल -सुमेरु,
कटी मेखला समान !
पाँवोँ को पखारते हैँ,
त्रिविध वर्ण सागर,
रत्नाकर के रत्न सारे,
निछावर,माँ, तेरे पग पर!
माँ भारती मेरी प्यारी !
हे अम्बिके, भवानी !
हे वीर प्रसविनी - माँ
हे, जगदानन्दायिनी, तारिणी!
हे माँ, तुझे शत नमन है!
हे माँ, तुझे शत नमन है!
शारदा, सुषमा मनविहारिणी !
हे लक्ष्मी -पति की प्यारी ,
हे पृथा पुण्य शालिनी माँ !
तुझे शत नमन है ~
तुझे शत नमन है ~
तुझे शत नमन है ~
रचनाकार: लावण्या
रचनाकार: लावण्या
& a love -- poem of papa
--- " aaj ke bichude na jane kab milenge" -- link to read it is here ,
I was glad to hear the applause & approval by the august audience & i was teary eyed when Dr Jay Ramanji told me next morning that, " Tumne apne Pitaji ka naam roshan ker diya"
mujhe santosh hai ki meri , Pitru - Bhakti sweekar ho gayee !
aur Meri maati ne apne UDGAM ko Pranaam kiye !
Bharat Maa ko Shat shat Pranaam !
Shat Shat Abhinandan for achiving this kind of honor. You have really preserved the name of Papaji.Well done!
-Harshad Jangla
Atlanta, USA
Hello Madam,
than's really a wonderfull experience...i hv no word to comment on this...!
मैने नारद और चिट्ठाकार ग्रुप पर आग्रह पत्र दे दिया है आपका नाम उसमें जरुर आ जाएगा…
जय माँ भारती
Hello Madam,
नारद जी को दिया आग्रह पत्र का जवाब आ गया है आप नियम आदि को पढ़कर नीचे दिये लिंक पर जाकर नामांकन कर लें--
Harshad ji,
Punah: punah: dhanyawaad --
My strong impulse has always been to walk in the foot steps of my Father whom I respect & revere !
Aapka sneh banaye rakhiyega...
sa sneh,
Diyabh ji,
yes, it was a first time experience - for me -
before this I'd recited 2 poems @ our local Hindu Mandir - for Mrs Renu Rajwanshee Gupta's Hindi book innauguration where Dr Jayramanji heard me -- he was amazed as the last time he had seen me was a young girl , living @ my papa's home , many moons ago !
He calls Papaji's home " Hindi Sahitya ka Tirth -Sththan " in Bambai ----
thought to share this with you -- rgds,
धन्यवाद पँकज भाई !
आप लोग तो "सिध -हस्त " हैँ !
आप मार्ग दर्शन करवाते रहियेगा आगे भी -
इसी आशा सहित,
स -स्नेह,
धन्यवाद दिव्याभ!
आगे का कार्य कर रही हूँ ~
इसी प्रकार सहयोग बना रहे ~
उस आशा सहित,
स -स्नेह,
Lavanya ji:
It was a pleasure to meet you and host you. We enjoyed every bit of it.
Looking forward to seeing you in July at Vishwa Hindi Sammelan.
Lavanyaji,Abinandan in tons,though I am not surprised at your being the center of attraction.Talent seeks its own level.
Warm regs.
Mahesh Vasavada
Anoop bhai,
You are too kind --
You were the perfect HOST ! We will deffinately plan the July trip -- looking forward to that !:)
Vadeel Mahesh bhai,
Namaste !
Aapno, ghano - ghano , aabhar !
ane ashish ni apeksha sahit,
sadar, sa -sneh,
yah ank bahut achaa laga.bahut bahut dhanyabad.
mahodaya mera naam Dr.Bindeshwari aggarwal hai "Dube" nahii. kripya Aggarwal likh de to mujhe khushii hogii.
Bindeshwari Aggarwal 'Bindu'
भूल सुधार कर दीया है -- लिखते समय न जाने दुबे क्यूँ याद आया !
कृपया इसी तरह भूल सुधार करवाती रहेँ -
स ~ स्नेह,
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